Atul Foundation 2021-22

13 Introduction to the programs Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. ~ Desmond Tutu Education Provide easy and affordable education to children belonging to all sections of the society Empowerment Impart vocational skills particularly to the underprivileged population so that they can be self-employed or obtain employment of their choice Health Support to improve well-being of communities through health education and linkages with affordable and quality health services Relief Offer quick support to victims of calamities, natural or man-made Infrastructure Provide adequate infrastructural facilities to residents of surrounding villages Conservation Promote the judicious use of natural resources and preserve ecology Outreach Nurtured 13,480 children through quality education Empowered 2,315 tribal youth and women through vocational training and through other initiatives Helped 21,502 children, youth, men and women through various health programs Equipped five hospitals with essential equipment and supported 1,586 poor people during COVID-19 pandemic Improved living conditions of 4,473 individuals and 12 villages through various infrastructure projects Collected 259 tonnes of waste from which 196 tonnes has been recycled and added to the circular economy