Atul Foundation 2020-21

27 Financial highlights Where the monies came from Particulars Amount received ` lakhs % Companies 1,345.13 61.84% Government grants 710.08 32.65% Donation (others) 13.37 0.61% Interest income 96.11 4.42% Miscellaneous income 10.34 0.48% 2,175.03 100% On which programs the monies were spent Particulars Amount spent ` lakhs % Education 789.32 34.34% Empowerment 265.64 11.00% Health 259.20 11.28% Relief 333.12 14.49% Infrastructure 8.93 1.00% Conservation 642.06 27.94% 2,298.27 100% Particulars Amount used ` lakhs % Programs 1,573.22 65.82% Asset creation 725.05 30.33% 2,298.27 Administration 91.74 3.84% 2,390.01 100% Spent from reserve balance (214.98) 2,175.03 How the monies were used 66% 30% 4% Programs Asset creation Administration 34% 12% 11% 15% 1% 28% Education Empowerment Health Relief Conservation Infrastructure 61.84% 0.61% 0.48% 4.42% Companies Government grants Donation (others) Interest income Miscellaneous income 32.65%