Atul Foundation 2020-21

15 Education: other projects No. Project Location Implementing agency Impact 1. Enhancement of education practices in Kalyani Shala Atul (Gujarat ) AF | Atul Kelavani Mandal Provided better infrastructure and quality educational facilities to 1,755 students 2. Support to tribal children in Atul Vidyamandir Pardi (Gujarat ) AF | Atul Vidyamandir • Created better infrastructure facilities benefitting 362 students • Supported 45 students by providing grocery kits 3. Development of a school in tribal area Chondha (Gujarat ) AF Provided guidance and technical support to develop a tribal school to benefit 205 students 4. Promotion of Science and Mathematics through a workshop 13 villages (Gujarat ) AF | Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre Organised a virtual science workshop benefitting 2,045 students from 14 schools 5. Provision of a computer lab in a rural school Motali (Gujarat ) AF Provided 7 computers to a primary school benefitting 203 students 6. Provision of education therapy to special children Bharuch (Gujarat ) AF | OSMOSIS Play Centre and Educational Games Library Provided therapy to 36 special children 7. Conservation of manuscripts Ahmedabad (Gujarat ) AF | L D Bharatiya Sanskruti Vidyamandir Provided support to digitise and create web portal to preserve over 80,000 rare manuscripts 8. Publication of books on Indian culture Jaipur (Rajasthan) AF | Prakrit Bharati Academy Published 7 books promoting traditional knowledge and culture 9. Enhancement of rural education 18 villages (Gujarat ) AF | Atul Rural Development Fund (ARDF) • Distributed writing material to 3,778 students of 34 schools • Appointed a computer teacher benefitting 183 students in a primary school • Supported 6 needy students to complete their higher studies