Atul Foundation 2019-20

The logo of Atul Foundation Trust (Atul Foundation) is a representation of the tree of life. The tree symbolises the interconnection and metaphorical co-dependency of all aspects of life. It endeavours to convey that we do not exist for our own narrow objectives, but are part of the integrated ecosystem. We will make our own journey of life more meaningful if our way of living reflects a larger purpose. The cover page is a photograph of one of the anganwadis renovated under the Model Anganwadi project. Atul Foundation has renovated 17 anganwadis located in and around Atul . The project included renovation of the existing infrastructure as well as adding kitchen and toilet. The interior design and that of the surrounding area are made vibrant and child friendly. It created a positive impact on the village community and also resulted in more children coming to anganwadis. Contents Compassion is passion at its positive best. ~ Tasneem Hameed Legacy 01 Introduction to the programs 10 Identity 03 Outreach 10 Purpose and Values 03 Operational highlights 11 Chairperson's foreword 04 Response to COVID-19 pandemic 22 Organisation 05 Financial highlights 25 Institutions 06 Auditor’s Report 26 Footprint 09 Acknowledgements 32 Make a difference 33