Atul Foundation 2019-20

12 Annual Report 2019-20 I Atul Foundation No. Project Location Implementing agency Impact 10. Digital education at Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Pardi (Gujarat) Swadhyay Mandal Supported to build computer lab benefting 104 students 11. Educational therapy to special children Bharuch (Gujarat) OSMOSIS Play Centre and Education Games Library Provided educational therapy to 60 special children 12. Rural education 18 villages (Gujarat) Atul Rural Development Fund (ARDF)  Assisted 3,759 students of 33 primary schools with study material  Provided wholesome food to 133 students in two tribal hostels  Arranged for a computer teacher for 236 students in a school  Provided computer to a primary school benefting 201 students  Supported three needy students to complete their higher studies